
In this manual you will learn to use the honeypot (specifically, HPFeeds and MISP with the community) using existing docker images that have been created and distributed through github or docker hub.

Starting HPFeeds

The following are the steps of how to start to use HPFeeds.

Start Using HPFeeds that Built from Scratch for 1 Container and Separate Container

The following are the steps for using HPFeeds MongoDB for 1 container and separate container:

  1. To check the successful installation and to check the process we can type the command below for checking the hpfeeds process:
$ supervisorctl status hpfeeds-broker

and the result can be similar to this:

  1. To check the process of the mnemosyne we can type the command below:
$ supervisorctl status mnemosyne
  1. Then we should install pymongo to be able to run the
$ pip install pymongo
  1. To add the ident and secret we can do the command below for each honeypot there is different channel, for now we will be focussing on dionaea Honeypot.
$ python /opt/hpfeeds/broker/ sensor-dionaea(according to ident at hpfeeds.yaml) password1234(according to secret at hpfeeds.yaml) "mwbinary.dionaea.sensorunique,dionaea.capture,dionaea.capture.anon,dionaea.captures,dionaea.connections" " "
  1. Then we need to add the python script that is monitoring the MongoDB and send the JSON data when the data arrived at MongoDB
$ nano

And add this following python script:

Modify the URL into the URL of your Node-RED IP

from pymongo import Connection
import time
import requests
import json
url = ''
db = Connection().mnemosyne
coll = db.hpfeed
cursor = coll.find(tailable=True)
while cursor.alive:
      doc =
      test = json.dumps(doc, indent=4, default=str)
      print (test)
      response =, data=test)
      except StopIteration:
  1. Then we need to execute the python script by typing:
$ python3
  1. Then at the dionaea we should modify the hpfeed Edit the hpfeeds.yaml at /opt/dionaea/etc/dionaea/ihandlers-available:
$ nano /opt/dionaea/etc/dionaea/ihandlers-available/hpfeeds.yaml

Edit it like this, after that copy the hpfeeds.yaml to /opt/Dionaea/etc/Dionaea/ihandlers-enabled.

$ cd /opt/dionaea/etc/dionaea/ihandlers-available/hpfeeds.yaml /opt/dionaea/etc/dionaea/ihandlers-enabled
  1. Restart the Dionaea and the result will be like this:
  1. We do the attack via ftp to Dionaea and the result will be:
  1. The result of MongoDB should be like this: